Accordion & Toggles

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[column size=”col-6″]
[title type=”special-h4-left”]Accordion[/title]
[title type=”subtitle-h6″]One toggle open at a time[/title]

[accordion_group initial_index=”0″]
[accordion_item icon=”hb-moon-support” title=”Accordion Title 1″]Enter your accordion content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item icon=”hb-moon-brain” title=”Accordion Title 2″]Enter your accordion content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item icon=”hb-moon-phone-3″ title=”Accordion Title 3″]Enter your accordion content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item icon=”hb-moon-bag” title=”Accordion Title 4″]Enter your accordion content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item icon=”hb-moon-user-8″ title=”Accordion Title 5″]Enter your accordion content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item icon=”hb-moon-cog” title=”Accordion Title 6″]Enter your accordion content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/accordion_item]


[column size=”col-6″]
[title type=”special-h4-left”]Toggles[/title]
[title type=”subtitle-h6″]Multiple toggles open at a time[/title]

[toggle_group initial_index=”3″]
[toggle_item icon=”hb-moon-meter-fast” title=”Toggle Title 1″]Enter your toggle content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/toggle_item]
[toggle_item icon=”hb-moon-database-2″ title=”Toggle Title 2″]Enter your toggle content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/toggle_item]
[toggle_item icon=”hb-moon-screwdriver-2″ title=”Toggle Title 3″]Enter your toggle content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/toggle_item]
[toggle_item icon=”hb-moon-gift” title=”Toggle Title 4″]This toggle is opened by default. Enter your toggle content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/toggle_item]
[toggle_item icon=”hb-moon-checkmark” title=”Toggle Title 5″]Enter your toggle content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/toggle_item]
[toggle_item icon=”hb-moon-earth” title=”Toggle Title 6″]Enter your toggle content here. You can use shortcodes also…[/toggle_item]



[title type=”special-h4-left”]Get the code[/title]
[title type=”subtitle-h6″]Paste in Text Editor[/title]
[content_box type=”without-header” color=”#FFFFFF” class=”pre-text”]

[accordion_group initial_index=”0″]
[accordion_item icon=”hb-moon-support” title=”Accordion Title”]Enter your accordion content here. Copy these accordion_item sections as much as you need.[/accordion_item]

[toggle_group initial_index=”0″]
[toggle_item icon=”hb-moon-meter-fast” title=”Toggle Title”]Enter your toggle content here. Copy these toggle_item sections as much as you need[/toggle_item]

[info_message style=”info”]You can also use this shortcode via Visual Composer – Drag & Drop Page Builder.[/info_message]